Re: FootNote Text occurs multiple times

Satish Kumar.R- CTD, Chennai. wrote:

>     The footnote text (at the bottom of the page) occurs as many times as
> that footnote reference in that page. Hence if a footnote occurs twice in a
> page, then the footnote text gets repeated (at the bottom of the page). How
> should I tackle this problem?
That was discussed many times in xsl-fo mail lists actually. There is no 
  notion of separated footnote reference and footnote body in xsl 1.0, 
that's it. Usually suggested workaround is xslt-centric one: you can 
generate only one real fo:footnote and for the rest just emulate 
footnote reference by fo:inline.

Oleg Tkachenko
eXperanto team
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2002 18:08:49 UTC