Re: fixed with and aligning without table

At 2002-12-05 06:15 -0500, Gilhuijs, Patrick wrote:
>Consider the next example
>key: value     key:      value  key: value
>key: value     key:      value  key: value
>the widths of the values are fixed, and one is left-aligned another is 

I'm afraid I'm not sure what you are describing here ... you describe two 
things but are showing three pairs per line.

>Is it possible to accomplish this with blocks and inline objects instead 
>of using a table object?

I'm sorry but is this an academic exercise?  If you need three columns of 
text then what is the problem of using a table?  You can specify alignment 
in <table-column> specifications and utilize them from the cells using the 
from-table-column() function call in each cell.

If you are having a problem putting a collection of text values into sets 
of three rows, you can solve this in your XSLT by either packaging three 
items into rows, or using the very powerful ends-row= and starts-row= 
properties in XSL-FO to create a table from non-tabular data.

I am not at all sure what you are asking.

>I tried using a block with inner inline objects but text-aligning in 
>inline objects isn't possible.
>When I use blocks I get a linefeed after every block, so it is not a line 

I cannot correlate these last two sentences.

Can you describe what you need in more detail to save the time it takes to 
volunteer an answer?

................ Ken

Upcoming hands-on in-depth XSLT/XPath and/or XSL-FO:
-                             North America:  Feb 3 - Feb 7,2003

G. Ken Holman     
Crane Softwrights Ltd.
Box 266, Kars, Ontario CANADA K0A-2E0  +1(613)489-0999 (F:-0995)
ISBN 0-13-065196-6                     Definitive XSLT and XPath
ISBN 0-13-140374-5                             Definitive XSL-FO
ISBN 1-894049-08-X Practical Transformation Using XSLT and XPath
ISBN 1-894049-10-1             Practical Formatting Using XSL-FO
Next conference training:                    2002-12-08,03-03,06

Received on Thursday, 5 December 2002 12:30:19 UTC