Re: ok, massive dilemma, please help!!

In a message dated 26/11/01 12:54:18 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> Here is what i have...a DTD and XML file already populated with data. What I
> have to do is extract only some of the data from the XML and create a nice
> looking report. Can anyone tell if there is an easier way or is XSLT the
> best way to generate the resulting file, which must also be an XML
> file.....HEEEELLLPPP
> I'm new to all this so please, anyone with some cool ideas or suggestions
> will be most valuable


It looks like you have a sizeable self-education project in front of you. :)

Yes, XSLT is a suitable tool to select from a source XML file and generate a 

A couple of good XML books possibly to begin with (depending on your general 
level of knowledge, speed of learning) are Professional XML (2nd Edition) or 
Beginning XML (new edition due any time now), both from Wrox.

If you really want to get into XSLT in depth then Michael Kay's XSLT 
Programmer's Reference (2nd Edition) is well worth a look too.

If your report is to beon paper then XSL-FO is a possibility, perhaps also 
converted to PDF. At the moment there isn't a book dedicated to XSL-FO as far 
as I am aware. There is an intro chapter in Pro XML 2e mentioned above and 
coverage in XSL Essentials or Just XSL which might be helpful.

I hope that helps.

Andrew Watt

Received on Monday, 26 November 2001 09:01:02 UTC