RE: compilation errors in FopServlet

FOP specific questions should be addressed to the fop-dev mailing list at See for subscription
information. This list is for more general xsl-fo questions and discussions
which don't depend on a particular xsl processor implementation such as FOP.
Luckily a few of us Fop developers are also subscribed here.

You are trying to compile the servlet source from CVS against a previous
release, but the CVS version has some major changes in the Driver API which
that new servlet code depends on. You either need to build FOP from CVS, or
use the servlet code that comes with FOP-0.17.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: rao srinivas []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:22 AM
> To:
> Subject: compilation errors in FopServlet
> Hi,
> I got the two  compilation errors in
> 1) Driver driver = new Driver(foFile, out);
> this constructor is not defined in
> 2)
> run() method is not defined in
> plase let me know how can i compile
> successfully .
> thanking you,
> Srinivas
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Received on Tuesday, 13 March 2001 11:08:29 UTC