RE: more FO problems

Thanks for that,

(I actually pasted the code chunk without realising the region-before
element was still commented out).

Also, I didn't realise what the ? signified in the error message syntax -
and that confusion was compounded by the article I've been working from on (targeted, I assume, at FOP), which had sample code with the
fo:region tags out of correct order.

Thanks again for helping me out,


-----Original Message-----
From: David Carlisle []
Sent: 06 July 2001 13:47
Subject: Re: more FO problems

> But, as you can see, fo:simple-page-master contains nothing but
> fo:region-body and fo:region-before.

I can't see that. As posted it only contains region-body.
If however you uncomment 

<!--<fo:region-before extent="1cm"/>-->

then the document wouldn't match the stated content model:

> "The content of element type 'fo:simple-page-master' must
> match
> on-end?)"

which, as you see, states the content must start with fo:region-body and
then be followed by optional region-xxx.


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