RE: [XSL-FO] tables

Pouliot, Brian R. writes:
 > <fo:table border-style="none" border-color="#AAA" border-width="0pt"
 > height="1.0125cm">
 >                   <fo:table-column column-width="5.548cm"
 > border-style="none" border-color="#AAA" border-width="0pt"/>
 >                   <fo:table-column column-width="5.548cm"

In the XSL spec, all the border properties are marked as NOT to be
inherited, so how can this work? and how could border properties be
attached to column specifications?

Am I being dense? can border properties be specified at the <fo:table> level?


Received on Tuesday, 6 February 2001 12:15:24 UTC