Re: text-align-last

At 13:03 17/08/2001 -0500, Paul Grosso wrote:

>Assuming no relevant properties are being inherited (e.g.,
>text-align="end"), both implementations are correct since
>the input is over-constrained.  You are giving no stretchable
>space, but you are asking the line to stretch.  An implementation
>may either use letter spacing or over-stretch existing space
>or not honor your text-align-last request--any would be allowable.

My natural reaction was that one was right, one wrong.
I can't say I like it being so.

>Try putting leaders in between, something like the following
>(line breaks added in the example for readability, but they
>shouldn't really be in there):
><fo:block text-align-last="justify">
>Note, the initial value for leader-pattern is space and the
>initial values for leader-length are leader-length.minimum=0pt,
>.optimum=12.0pt, .maximum=100% which gives you want you want.

Indeed it does. Thanks.

>Also note that this should put equal space in for each leader.
>This won't necessarily center your middle part, especially if
>the length of the left and right parts differ by much.  You'd
>have to get fancier to accomplish that.

A fairly common requirement though Paul?
3 in-lines for the header or footer areas?

It would be nice if the WG could address this, even if only by explanation 
in the rec?
Many thanks for the solution, though it is hardly intuitive IMHO.

\tex's 'stretchable space' is a good analogy.
Spec reference please Paul :-)

Regards DaveP

Received on Friday, 17 August 2001 14:11:05 UTC