AW: evaluating the following-sibling axis

Hi Michael,

thanks fort he hint to the lists. I will post my questions there.

With that coreection I do understand the expression. But may it be that there is another typo in it? What about the "<<" operator? Shouldn't it be ">>" instead for following-sibling?

Considering the example again:


and the expression:


after your correction we have:

let $e = .
return parent::node()/child::*[. << $e]

or in the context of the example:

let $e = "b"
return parent::node()/child::*[. << "b"]

with parent::node()/child::* = (b,c,d) and the result being a sequence

(parent::node()/child::*["b" << "b"], parent::node()/child::*["c" << "b"], parent::node()/child::*["d" << "b"])

that would be empty.

If "<<" would be replaced by ">>" we would get:

(parent::node()/child::*["b" >> "b"], parent::node()/child::*["c" >> "b"], parent::node()/child::*["d" >> "b"])

what would yield (c,d)

If you confirm this, I would post the typo report to the list you provided (

BTW: The same applies for preceding-sibling definition

Daniel Kirmse

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Michael Kay [] 
Gesendet: Montag, 22. März 2004 14:34
An: Kirmse, Daniel;
Betreff: RE: evaluating the following-sibling axis

# Maybe it's not the right place for this question, but no one 
# in comp.text.xml could/would provide an answer.

A good place for such questions is the xsl-list at

However, I think you've actually found a typo in the formal semantics which
should be reported to
... to compute the result I'd use the XQuery 
# 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Formal Semantics paper section 
# There an expression for evaluating the following-sibling axis 
# is given:
# [following-sibling:: NodeTest]Axis
# ==
# [let $e := . in parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.<<$e]]Expr 
# and that is the problem.

I think this should read:

let $e := . 
return parent::node()/child:: NodeTest [.<<$e]]

This is simply saying that the following siblings of a node are the children
of the parent of that node that follow that node in document order.

Michael Kay

Received on Monday, 22 March 2004 10:55:23 UTC