- From: mario zuker <mzuker@bariloche.com.ar>
- Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 22:48:42 -0300
- To: <james@daa.com.au>
Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 20:50:20 UTC
What You are seeing, they are not real ships.. they are own models in scale with an average of 2 mts. long and full illuminated. The putting in the water, is a tecnical artifice. Much more , in : www.maquetasdebarcos.com.ar to enjoit !! If you want to be removed from our emails lists in the future, please email mzuker@bariloche.com.ar with your email address in the subject line.
Received on Monday, 1 December 2003 20:50:20 UTC