RE: [xsl] Namespace wildcards

> it would IMHO have been better to use a "*:*" or "element()" 
> pattern for a
> NodeTest to match all elements.

You're probably right; unfortunately it's much too late to change this.
> 2. It's impossible (in XSLT, and I would expect most other 
> XPath clients) to
> create a NameTest that matches all named nodes in the null 
> namespace. Not
> that *[namespace-uri() = ""] strictly speaking also selects 
> the nodes in the
> "" namespace, which is different from the null namespace.

No, I don't think XML namespaces allows a namespace URI of ""; that's why we
are able to have namespace-uri() return "" to indicate the null namespace.
> Unfortunately I don't see any way to solve this problem 
> without causing big
> compability problems with XPath1.0
Nor do I.

Mike Kay

Received on Tuesday, 5 February 2002 19:24:25 UTC