RE: Sequence Type Checking

> That being the case, isn't the current set of productions for
> SequenceType ambiguous? 

I agree with you, there is a reserved word problem with type names.
Generally we have been happy to have reserved words in XQuery but not in
XPath, and I don't think we've achieved that here.
> If neither of those is the case, one method of clarifying this would
> be to make those ItemTypes that are actually node types look like
> (node) KindTests (production [31]), so you'd have node(),
> processing-instruction() and so on. This could be extended to include
> element() and attribute(), perhaps adopting the same syntax as
> processing instruction tests to provide the name of the node:
>   element('foo')
> would mean the same as:
>   element foo

We've been discussing within the XSL WG how to incorporate type matching
into the XSLT pattern syntax, and we have ideas that run along these lines,
but no detailed proposal yet.
> Another thing here is how you match elements and attributes if you use
> an ElemOrAttrType..... 

I'll leave this part to people who understand schemas better than I do.
> Personally, I'd like to see the syntax used here unified with the
> syntax used in XSLT in match patterns. It strikes me that you're doing
> a similar kind of thing as match patterns here: putting together a
> test that identifies the kind of things that are allowed in a
> sequence. Perhaps an alternative, therefore, would be to use type(),
> say, to indicate a type and have things like:
>   type('xs:date')        refers to the built-in Schema type date
>   @*?                    refers to an optional attribute
>   *                      refers to any element
>   office:letter          refers to an element with a specific name
>   *[type('po:address')]+ refers to one or more elements of the given
>                          type
>   node()*                refers to a sequence of zero or more nodes of
>                          any type
>   item()*                refers to a sequence of zero or more nodes or
>                          atomic values
We've been toying with such ideas in XSL WG. Thanks for the contribution.

Michael Kay 

Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 07:26:10 UTC