Re: [Moderator Action] [error?] 5.4 Namespace Nodes

In XPath, a namespace node has:

- an expanded name, i.e: a local part and a namespace URI
     - the local part is defined to contain the prefix
     - the namespace URI (which is *not* the URI of that node) is null 
- contents: a string that contains the namespace URI of that node

so, xmlns:foo="" would create a namespace node
such that:
          - its expanded name is:
              - local part: foo
              - namespace URI: null
          - its contents is "http://www.example/com"

The namespace URI is always null, because namespace declarations do
not themselves belong to a given namespace. As the namespace spec
says, "The prefix xmlns is used only for namespace bindings and is not
itself bound to any namespace name."

Hope this helps,


You wrote:

> ----- My thought.
> In the above statement,
>  "the local part is the namespace prefix",
> is it right?
> In my knowledge, (
>  Qname = namespace_prefix  + local_part  .
> where namespace prefix is bounded to URI.

Received on Sunday, 9 December 2001 08:19:51 UTC