Error in XPath Recommendation?

I believe there is an error in section 2.2 (Axes) of the XPath
specification as found at:

The issue is not raised in the errata at:

The bullets for "following axis", "preceding axis" and the "Note" under
"ancestor-or-self axis" are in conflict. I believe the mistake is in the
"following axis" bullet. Shouldn't the statement "excluding any
descendants" be replace with "excluding any ancestors"?  Otherwise, the
"Note" under "ancestor-or-self axis" that states "The ancestor,
descendant, following, preceding and self axes ... together they contain
all the nodes in the document." can not be true unless both the
following axis and previous axis include their decedents.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Geoff Mottram

Received on Saturday, 20 October 2001 10:47:53 UTC