Re: XPath: many comments

Thanks very much for your comments.  I agree with most of them apart
from the following.

> 2.5 Abbreviated Syntax
> ----------------------


>     Replace the "descendant" axis with "descendant-or-self", otherwise the
>     two paths mean different things in an additional way that isn't really
>     important to the note.

I don't see this. //para means //child::para and so selects para's from
descendants; a child of a descendant-or-self is a descendant.

> 3.5 Numbers
> -----------
> production 27
>     Is there any point to allowing expressions such as --E and ---E?

It matches ECMAScript better.

> 3.7 Lexical Structure
> ---------------------

>         When an XPath parser divides a character string into tokens, is it
>         required to classify them according to the RHS symbols of [28]?

That's an internal implementation detail.

>         Personally, I'd prefer to classify them more simply, thereby
>         avoiding the need to use the special tokenization rules.

I think the way it is now makes it easier for implementors to see how to
implement it.


Received on Wednesday, 1 September 1999 09:21:40 UTC