Clarification on the 8 October 2013 candidate recommendation


Reading the latest candidate rec, in section 3.1 there is:
If the href attribute is absent when XML processing is specified, the
xpointer or fragid attribute must be present. Fragment identifiers
must not be used; their appearance is a fatal error.

I was wondering if "Fragment identifiers must not be used" is not in
conflict with the previous statement that says that xpointer or fragid
must be present.

Norm clarified for me that "Fragment identifiers" refer to values like 
"#fragment" present in the href attribute, but my initial reading was 
that "Fragment identifiers" refer to the fragid attribute just mentioned 
in the previous phrase.

Maybe you want to rephrase this to avoid such confusion?

Thank you,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Received on Friday, 11 October 2013 13:59:34 UTC