Question about XInclude

[[PGP Signed Part:Failed]]
Dear Sirs,

I have a question regarding XInclude. I saw in 2000 the same question
showed up put during this time XInclude was under development. Now I
want to know if it is possible to import definitions which have
attributes within XInclude and attributes within
the included file with the current recommendation? For example:

<xi:include ref="file.xml" title="Hello there"/>

<Book chapter="5" page="50"/>

output after processing:
<Book chapter="5" page="50" title="Hello there"/>

Is this possible? Or is it allowed for an implementation to resolve to
the above result? I am asking because within the recommendation there is
the parsus: "Attributes other than those listed above may be placed on
the xi:include element."

Please inform me as soon as possible.


Markus Waltl

PS: please CC to my address!

Markus Waltl, Bakk.techn.           Phone:  ++43-463-2700-3633
System Engineer                     Fax:    ++43-463-2700-3699
ITEC, University of Klagenfurt      Office: E.2.41a
GnuPG KeyID: 7761179D, available at
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Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2009 11:33:20 UTC