Re: element() scheme should return Element Node only or any kind of node?

Bill Han wrote:
> So, your metafallbacktestwithxpointer.xml test case is okay, but 
> metafallbacktest5.xml is wrong.
> The differnce between these two (or by href attr) is one has 
> <xi:fallback>fallback text</xi:fallback>, another one has 
> <xi:fallback><test>some data</test></xi:fallback> Your element(/1/1) 
> returns "fallback text" string and <test>some data</test> element 
> respectively.
> I don't know what you meant by "catalog". I downloaded test suite from 
> (110032004 version).

None of these tests are wrong. It is becoming obvious that your test 
harness is broken. It is making assumptions about the layout of the test 
suite that are simply not true. The test catalog is found in the file 
testdescr.xml which is at the URL

This file maps expected input to expected output (or lack thereof for 
error tests). The presence or absence of files with particular names in 
the results directory means nothing unless they are referenced in 

Elliotte Rusty Harold
XML in a Nutshell 3rd Edition Just Published!

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2005 22:58:57 UTC