Re: harold_77 test case

Elliotte Harold wrote:

> Yes, I think you're correct. There's an implicit assumption here that a 
> file ending in .xml will be marked as text/xml. application/xml, or some 
> such so that the XML encoding rules apply.
> It's been a while, but doesn't Windows provide some sort of system wide 
> MIME types mappings that can be configured somewhere? If not we could 
> always make this test one of those that deliberately accesses the 
> IBiblio web server (like the tests for accept-lang) so I can make sure 
> it's served with the correct MIME type, but I'd like to avoid that if at 
> all possible.

Looks like it's unfeasible to get proper media type when fetching a file 
from file system on Windows using .NET :(
I managed to run tests 77-79 using http://localhost addressing instead.
It would be nice to have some warning remarks on these tests though.

Oleg Tkachenko
Multiconn Technologies, Israel

Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2004 11:17:33 UTC