minor remark regarding appendix c


in the xinclude cr document, appendix c uses the phrase "The infoset
resulting from resolving inclusions on this document is the same as that
of the following document" for examples 1 through 4. as i understand it,
the [language] property is optional, but the [include history] property
is mandatory. so, technically speaking, the infoset of the serialization
is not the (exact) same as that of the resolved inclusion. at least
that's what i think...


erik wilde  -  tel:+41-1-6325132  -  fax:+41-1-6321035
  mailto:net.dret@dret.net  -  http://dret.net/netdret
  computer engineering and networks laboratory   (tik)
  swiss federal institute of technology, zurich (ethz)

Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 18:14:37 UTC