RE: examples of xpointer attribute use

I'm agreeable!  Here's what I propose:


C.4 Fragment Inclusion Example

The following illustrates the results of including fragments of another
XML document. Assume the base URI of the document is

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<price-quote xmlns:xi="">

  <prepared-for>Joe Smith</prepared-for>


  <xi:include href="price-list.xml" xpointer="w002-description"/>


  <xi:include href="price-list.xml" xpointer="element(w002-prices/2)"/>


price-list.xml references a DTD which declares the id attributes as type
ID, and contains:

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<!DOCTYPE price-list SYSTEM "price-list.dtd">

<price-list xml:lang="en-us">

  <item id="w001">

    <description id="w001-description">

      <p>Normal Widget</p>


    <prices id="w001-prices">

      <price currency="USD" volume="1+">39.95</price>

      <price currency="USD" volume="10+">34.95</price>

      <price currency="USD" volume="100+">29.95</price>



  <item id="w002">

    <description id="w002-description">

      <p>Super-sized widget with bells <i>and</i> whistles.</p>


    <prices id="w002-prices">

      <price currency="USD" volume="1+">59.95</price>

      <price currency="USD" volume="10+">54.95</price>

      <price currency="USD" volume="100+">49.95</price>




The infoset resulting from resolving inclusions on this document is the
same as that of the following document:

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<price-quote xmlns:xi="">

  <prepared-for>Joe Smith</prepared-for>


  <description id="w002-description" xml:lang="en-us"


    <p>Super-sized widget with bells <i>and</i> whistles.</p>



  <price currency="USD" volume="10+" xml:lang="en-us"





> -----Original Message-----

> From:

>] On Behalf Of Elliotte Rusty Harold

> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 6:57 AM

> To: Henry S. Thompson

> Cc:

> Subject: Re: examples of xpointer attribute use



> At 12:50 PM +0100 6/3/04, Henry S. Thompson wrote:

> >It would be _very_ helpful to see examples which use the normative

> >XPointer mechanisms, i.e. shorthand pointers and element() scheme

> >pointers.

> >


> I agree. This should be included in the spec, indeed in preference to

> the xpointer mechanism scheme.

> --


>    Elliotte Rusty Harold


>    Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)




> A


Received on Wednesday, 9 June 2004 17:55:40 UTC