RE: Fragment identifiers must not be used.

It is indeed fatal, which is why _must_ is specified.  We made it fatal
so that we could revert the namespace to the previous URI without
silently doing the wrong thing.  Just ignoring the fragment ID, and
including the wrong thing (a whole doc instead of a part) is an
unacceptable change between versions.  The namespace change could detect
it, but at your urging we found a less intrusive way so that documents
with XIncludes in them (but no fragment ids) would continue to work.
Documents with XIncludes in them (with fragment ids) would generate
errors indicating that an update is needed.

I'm presuming you would rather keep the namespace from changing yet
again, in exchange for making this error fatal.  If so, we'll consider
ways to simply clarify that this is the mandated behavior.

> -----Original Message-----
> From:
>] On Behalf Of Elliotte Rusty Harold
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Fragment identifiers must not be used.
> Section 3.1 states, "Fragment identifiers must not be used" (in URIs
> in href attributes. OK. However, what happens if one is used? Is this
> a fatal error? Should the processor just ignore it? I think this
> should be spelled out. I think my preferred solution would be a
> non-fatal error. IN fact, maybe this should instead read something
> like. "XInclude processors must not use the fragment identifier in
> the uRI if one is present."
> --
>    Elliotte Rusty Harold
>    Effective XML (Addison-Wesley, 2003)
> A

Received on Wednesday, 14 April 2004 18:40:57 UTC