- From: Peter McCracken <peterjm@ca.ibm.com>
- Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2003 14:45:21 -0400
- To: www-xml-xinclude-comments@w3.org
Hi, I sent the below question a while ago, but no one responded. Is this question way off base (pardon the pun)? Am I incorrect in my interpretation of [declaration base URI]? By the way, the same concern goes for tests 21 and 56, as well. Thanks, Peter McCracken/Toronto/IBM Peter McCracken/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA To: www-xml-xinclude-comments@w3.org Sent by: cc: www-xml-xinclude-comments-req Subject: NIST test 55 uest@w3.org 07/04/2003 04:23 PM I have a question about NIST test 55. The test consists of the two files: Nist/test/docs/nist-include-55.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE x [ <!ELEMENT x (xinclude:include*, view*)> <!ELEMENT xinclude:include EMPTY> <!ATTLIST xinclude:include xmlns:xinclude CDATA #FIXED "http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href CDATA #REQUIRED parse (xml|text) "xml" encoding CDATA #IMPLIED> <!ELEMENT view EMPTY> <!NOTATION jpg SYSTEM "jpg"> <!ENTITY image SYSTEM "gris.jpg" NDATA jpg> <!ATTLIST view sun ENTITY #IMPLIED> ]> <!-- Including a duplicate unparsed entity. Test should ignore duplicate unparsed entity. --> <x xmlns:xinclude="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"> <xinclude:include href="../ents/unparent.xml" parse="xml"/> <view sun="image"/> </x> Nist/test/ents/unparent.xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE view [ <!ELEMENT view EMPTY> <!NOTATION jpg SYSTEM "jpg"> <!ENTITY image SYSTEM "gris.jpg" NDATA jpg> <!ATTLIST view sun ENTITY #IMPLIED> ]> <view sun = "image"/> This is supposed to be a successful test case -- the duplicate unparsed entity should be ignored, since both entities have a system id of "gris.jpg". However, the spec says in 4.5.1: "Unparsed entity items with the same [name], [system identifier], [public identifier], [declaration base URI], [notation name], and [notation] are considered to be duplicate." Wouldn't the two unparsed entities in this test case have different [declaration base URI]s? If my concept of [declaration base URI] is correct, the first unparsed entity has a base of "Nist/test/docs/nist-include-55.xml" and the second has a base of "Nist/test/ents/unparent.xml". Should this make the two unparsed entities non-duplicate, and thus make the test case a failure case? The same goes for the notations in that test, too. Thanks, Peter McCracken/Toronto/IBM
Received on Monday, 14 July 2003 15:20:10 UTC