RE: Re: Python Tool for excerpting schema/examples into XHTML spec

You are corret; it is not possible.  Such an option was discussed quite
a while back and judged to be too complex, especially since C14N might
not be the only desirable reserialization algorithm.

However, XInclude does enable you to build up your schema or other
document from a set of fragments that could be included as text into
your spec, or as XML into a complete schema.  External entities could be
substituted for the latter, of course.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joseph Reagle []
> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 12:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Python Tool for excerpting schema/examples into
> spec
> Could you please confirm that it is not possible, using XInclude, to
> specify
> (via XPtr) a portion of an XML document (e.g., a particular schema
> complexType definition) and return it as encoded (textual) XML? That
> if
> I want to use XInclude to include examples or schemas within an XHTML
> specification, I can only do so for whole resources and not their
> excerptions? Thank you.
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Re: Python Tool for excerpting schema/examples into XHTML
> Date: Friday 24 January 2003 12:48
> From: Joseph Reagle <>
> To: Paul Grosso <>, David Carlisle
> Cc:
> On Friday 24 January 2003 12:30, Paul Grosso wrote:
> > Schema-validity should, of course, be doable.
> I expect at some point we'll have XHTML+XInclude. I believe that's a
>  feature of XHTML2.0, but also expect there might be an intermediary
> identifier/namespace/DTD from XHTML1.* .
> > This is what XInclude's parse="text" attribute is for.  Quoting [1]:
> > ...
> > I'm not sure what xpointer support would have to do with this.
> > When you use parse="text", the "resource is treated as plain text"
> > so xpointer is irrelevant.
> The tricky bit is actually between these two requirements.  I know a
> common
> source of errata in my specs is typos between the in-line and external
> schema and in the in-line examples. Consequently, it'd be better to
> maintain the schema and examples externally, and keep them all valid.
> (Which means not in little fragments.) So, when I want to include part
> an example or schema I want to use xptr to select the relevant part
> include it. If I understand, I can't do that if the parse type is
> and
> if it's not text then it is returned as XML. What I'd need it a:
> parse="xml" return="text"?
> So in my script I evaluate the XPath, Canonicalize the result,and
>  the encoded XML (e.g., '<', '>','&') in a <pre> element:
> nodes = expression.evaluate(context)
> ...
>   for node in nodes:
>     chunk = Canonicalize(node,unsuppressedPrefixes=[])
>     chunk = '<pre class="%s">%s</pre>' % (hclass, encode(chunk))
> -------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Joseph Reagle Jr.       
> W3C Policy Analyst      
> IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
> W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Thursday, 30 January 2003 16:56:52 UTC