RE: Architectural problems of the XInclude CR

[I'm forwarding a copy of this to the xinclude comments list, as it
was addressed to that list but hasn't yet gotten to the archives.
It is archived on the www-tag list at
 -- paul]

>The XML Core WG has resolved the remaining issues you raise as indicated
>below.  If you disagree with these resolutions, please respond promptly
>so we can present the issues as unresolved in our request for PR

I agree with the resolutions for (2) and (3), but 
disagree with the resolutions for (1) and (4).

>>1) XInclude ignores the media type (and probably the charset
>   parameter) associated with resources

I see a conflict between XInclude and the WWW architecture 
and ask the TAG and Director to consider this issue.

>> 4) XInclude blesses XPointer as fragment identifiers of text/xml,
>>    while RFC 3023 (XML media types) does not.
>The XML Core WG does not feel holding up XInclude for this purpose is
>warranted, as there are no candidates for XPointer fragment syntax at
>this time other than the XPointer features we have identified in the

I certainly disagree with this decision, which ignores 



Received on Monday, 20 January 2003 10:51:12 UTC