RE: XML Schema WG Comments on XInclude

At 11:06 2002 01 18 -0800, Mary Holstege wrote:

>The Schema WG concluded discussion of your responses to our comments on the XML
>Inclusions Last Call Working Draft. 
>As a WG we are satisfied with your answer on point (6) and willing to accede to
>your answer on point (4). On point (4), some individuals continue to express 
>reservations and would be happier with a wording that clarified that the MIME
>type is 'coerced' to text/xml. 

The latest draft includes this wording at

At this point, the XML Core WG believes it has satisfied all XML Schema
comments on XInclude to the extent that we can request that XInclude
go to CR.  We plan to submit a Request for CR this Friday, the 25th
saying that we have addressed all Schema comments.  Please inform us
to the contrary asap if this is not the case.


Paul, co-chair for XML Core

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2002 12:31:15 UTC