Re: Public identifiers and XInlude

Sorry for the long delay in responding.  XInclude has been on the back
burner and we are just now cleaning up the loose ends holding us up from
> Hello,
> comparing XINCLUDE to XML external entities I miss possibility to
> public ID. I would expect a attribute e.g. publicId CDATA that if
> specified will give aid to processor that it can consult catalog
> of local resources prior accessing possibly remote href.
> Is it an intention?
We could find no other examples of XML URI-containing attributes that
had parallel public IDs.  For instance, XML schema and XSLT both have
special purpose include facilities that rely solely on hrefs.  This has
not prevented them from being used in Catalog systems.  Without any
evidence of a design trend or a compelling useage scenario we prefer to
keep the spec as simple as possible.
Jonathan Marsh


Received on Monday, 7 January 2002 13:26:49 UTC