- From: Susan Lesch <lesch@w3.org>
- Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 20:53:13 -0700
- To: www-xml-xinclude-comments@w3.org
These are comments for your XInclude Last Call Working Draft [1]. It is beautifully written. You might consider using divs rather than tables for examples. The editors of XML Schema Part 1-3 do this; (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-0/). In your case, there would be no need to nest divs. One-column tables are of relatively minor concern but they seem to go against Web content accessibility guideline 3; (see http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/#gl-structure-presentation). Globally, XML Schema -> XML schema (unless referring to the name of the W3C schema specification) Below a section name or number is followed by a quote and then a suggestion. Abstract URI References URI references (unless referring to the BNF itself in RFC 2396, in which case it would be URI-Reference) Status of this document par. 1 Last Call working draft Last Call Working Draft (to match the W3C Process Document, see http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Process/) Status par. 4 XML Activity Statement. XML Activity statement. 3. par. 1 refered referred 3. href URI Reference URI reference spec is a little informal; I'd say: specification 4.2.1 Note whitespace (twice) white space (if you want to follow XML 1.0, see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#sec-white-space) 4.4.1 par. 3 and 4.4.2 par. 3 useage usage 5.2 list item 1 XML Namespaces XML namespaces, or Namespaces in XML A. Unicode Standard.(See Standard. (See A. XML Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, and C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, editors. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. could read: Tim Bray, Jean Paoli, C.M. Sperberg-McQueen, and Eve Maler, editors. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition). World Wide Web Consortium, 1998. A. XML Names "Textuality, Hewlett-Packard, and Microsoft." can be omitted. [1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-xinclude-20010516/ Best wishes for your project, -- Susan Lesch - mailto:lesch@w3.org tel:+1.858.483.4819 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) - http://www.w3.org/
Received on Saturday, 19 May 2001 23:53:23 UTC