RE: 26 October 2000 WD Comments

Thanks for the comments.  XInclude has been on the back burner for a while,
but the WG is about to take it up again in earnest.  Responses inline below:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Rowe []
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 3:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: 26 October 2000 WD Comments
> A readability improvement suggestion: I think that section 4 (Syntax)
> should either be placed ahead of Section 3 (Processing Model), or
> (preferably, IMHO) links should be created from syntax references to
> their definitions.  For example, in Section 3.2, 'parse="xml"' should
> be linked to that attribute's syntax description.

Good idea.  I will add the links for now, and solicit advice from the WG on
whether a larger rearrangement would be a benefit.

> My 2 cents about XInclude-31-which-namespace and
> XInclude-71-versioning: Since XInclude is not part of the XML
> specification proper, it should not be made part of the namespace XML
> Names appears to associate with XML itself.  Given this assumption,
> and the fact that no other namespace of which I am aware is ready to
> take on XInclude, XInclude should have its own namespace.  Once it has
> its own namespace, versioning info should be included in instance docs
> using it.  I assume that this issue is brought up because XML 2.0 (or
> something like it) may include XInclude.  Why then, one might ask,
> should XInclude have its own namespace and versioning?  Because, one
> might rejoin, XML 2.0 is years away, and uses of XInclude might
> require changes before it arrives.  One last argument: I believe that
> the only currently sanctioned addition to the xml: namespace beyond
> XML 1.0 is an attribute (xml:base); since XInclude has abondoned
> attribute syntax, addition of XInclude to the xml: namespace would set
> a new precedent, rather than follow some established practice.

I'll present this to the WG when we discuss those issues.  Immediately, I'll
link this into the issue texts.

> A couple of typos:
> - TOC:3.2.4:s/Cmment/Comment/
> - 3.2.3:Definition[3]:s/selected selected/selected/
> - 3.2.4:Heading:s/Cmment/Comment/
> - 3.2.4:sentence[last]:s/acquiring infoset/acquired infoset/
> - 3.3:bullet[1]:Emboldificate "entity start marker information item"
> - 3.4:paragraph[3]:s/Iintra-document/Intra-document/
> - 4:parse:Suggested resolution:s/"parse"/"xml"/
> - 4:DTD fragment:s/<!ELEMENT include/<!ELEMENT xinclude:include/
> - C.2:
>  <xinclude:include
>   xmlns:xinclude=""
>   href="source.xml#xpointer(string-range(chapter/p[1],'Sentence 2')
>   to string-range(chapter/p[2]/i,'3.',0,11))"/>
>  should instead be (s: to (.+)$:/range-to($1): AND s/0,11/1,11/):
>  <xinclude:include
>   xmlns:xinclude=""
>   href="source.xml#xpointer(string-range(chapter/p[1],'Sentence 2')
>   /range-to(string-range(chapter/p[2]/i,'3.',1,11)))"/>

All fixed.

> Hope it helps,

Very much so.  Thank you.

> Steve Rowe
> MNIS-TextWise Labs

Received on Thursday, 1 February 2001 18:23:29 UTC