Re: xsd:list should allow a 'delimiter' attribute discussion

Thanks for the insights Mike.

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 6:11 PM, Michael Kay <> wrote:

> Also, this approach might give the right yes/no answer from validation,
> but it won't give you a list as the typed value if you're doing data
> binding or schema-aware XSLT/XQuery.
> Saxon provides as an XSD 1.1 extension a pre-lexical facet called
> saxon:preprocess, in which you can convert the delimiters to spaces and
> then process as a standard list type. A specific pre-lexical facet to
> define the delimiter would be an even better solution. However, extensions
> like this are not really much use - most people want their schemas to be
> portable across multiple schema processors.
> Michael Kay
> Saxonica

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Friday, 30 March 2018 05:28:12 UTC