Re: incorrect URL within XML Schema 1.1 spec

On Sun, 2018-03-04 at 07:59 +0000, Michael Kay wrote:
> The red box on the XPath 1.0 and 2.0 specs was changed to a less
> scary black box:
> at the insistence of the XSL WG, who were horrified when they saw
> what had been done (*).

They were, however, asked for comments several weeks before it was
done, and more than once. I seem to remember, though, it was a time
when Sharon as chair of XSLT was having health problems.

>  It's a shame that the same change wasn't made to related docs such
> as F+O at the same time. I think the red box is far too strong for a
> spec that is "alive" in the sense that lots of people are using it
> and there are other specs that reference it normatively.

I think i prefer the black box, for what it's worth, with its milder
wording. It's not inconceivable that i could change it, ideally given
approval from the joint meeting again.

> (*) I believe that Sharon, as XSL WG chair, felt that the joint
> XQuery/XSLT meeting had no authority to make changes to XPath 1.0.

She'd have had a point for sure, since it wasn't a joint spec.

Liam Quin, W3C,
Staff contact for Verifiable Claims WG, SVG WG, XQuery WG
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Received on Monday, 5 March 2018 04:02:35 UTC