Re: [Bug 11716] Identity constraints: grammatical typo

> In 1.1 the text is "that only contains ˇskippedˇ nodes and at most one 
> node whose ˇgoverningˇ type definition is either a simple type 
> definition or a complex type definition with {variety} simple.
> So the difference is that 1.1 allows a node-set containing (one node 
> with a simple type plus three nodes with a complex type), whereas 1.0 
> didn't. That change was surely not intended.

Reading it again more carefully, I seem to have mis-parsed "only 
contains A nodes and at most one B node " as somehow also permitting C 
nodes - perhaps I mentally put the "only" in the wrong place. The use of 
"only" in conjunction with "at most" and "whose" is rather fragile. In 
any case, if I misread it, I suspect many other people will do so too. I 
stand by my revised formulation.

Michael Kay

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2011 10:13:22 UTC