Re: using external document in assertions

Thanks, Mike for the answer.

This clarifies my doubt.

On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:44 PM, Michael Kay <> wrote:
> Yes, doc() is not allowed in assertions according to the spec: or rather,
> the set of accessible documents is empty, therefore the call will always
> fail, therefore the assertion will be false.
> The WG took the view, I think, that it did not want to open the door to
> letting the validity of an element be entirely context-dependent. Clearly
> there are use cases, such as code lists, where this is exactly what the user
> wants, but it does dramatically change what we mean by validity if it
> depends on anything other than the instance document and the schema.
> Regards,
> Michael Kay

Mukul Gandhi

Received on Saturday, 19 December 2009 15:58:24 UTC