Extensibility limitation in XML schema

Working Group,


Just in case you all are not aware of this issue already:


Problems with XML schema.  Unique Particle Attribution.


Say you have a hierarchy:


1st Generation





  xsd:any (optional - placeholder for future extension, 1st Generation
apps will not use

this element)


Now in 2nd Generation apps, it is desired to add an optional xae member
of xa.

Because of the Unique Particle Attribution rule, this optional element

not precede xsd:any, and so we must remove xsd:any as so:


2nd Generation





  xae (optional)


Now because there is no xsd:any we cannot add another element xaf in

a 3rd generation app:



3rd Generation





  xae (optional)

  xaf (optional)


Because the 2nd Generation apps won't accept xaf (1st generation apps

With these 3 generations:


1 may receive from 1, 2, and 3

1 may send to 1, 2, and 3


2 may receive from 1 and 2

2 may send to 1, 2, and 3


3 may receive from 1, 2, and 3

3 may send to 1 and 3






XML Schema SHOULD but DOES NOT (thus a flaw in the design) allow

optional elements to be placed before an xsd:any optional element.


Use xpath/DOM to marshal the XML to java.  This will ignore all the

optional extensions.  Do your own marshalling to XML.




xpath package --> javax.xml.xpath




Andrew Shropshire

AT&T Government Solutions, Inc. 



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Received on Thursday, 29 October 2009 11:58:03 UTC