Re: [Bug 7198] can inheritable attributes appear, on elements with simple types

Michael Sperberg-McQueen wrote:

> (The definition of a term for them in the PSVI does not 
> actually make much difference in practice, since the 
> information in question has always been
> present in any case:  any attribute among the [inherited 
> attributes] of an element is necessarily present among the 
> [attributes] of an ancestor element.)

Mukul:  you might be tempted to take the above as contradicting what I 
said earlier about APIs.  First of all, Michael is right in what he says: 
whether or not we had chosen to explicitly include in the PSVI the 
inherited attributes, processors have the information they need to 
determine what they are.  Some processors may report them, and some may 
not, and both options would have been available if we had not put them 
explicitly into the PSVI.

What I would have said if I were writing a bit more carefully is:  certain 
designers of processors or APIs for validation have chosen to use the PSVI 
as a guide for what should be reported to applications.  Calling out the 
inherited attributes in the PSVI thus somewhat increases the chances that 
designers of Schema 1.1 processors will decide to report them, and to do 
so in a consistent manner across processors.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Friday, 7 August 2009 20:53:58 UTC