RE: Schema Problem

> Anand:  I When you dump your spreadsheet in XML format, you 
> don't have much control of what elements are present.  I 
> suggest you just expect Excel to put those inappropriate 
> (from your perspective) elements, and then run that XML 
> document through an XSLT processor to eliminate or modify the result.
> The XSLT program shouldn't be too complicated, once you get 
> familiar with XSLT. 

That may be a little optimistic. The XML output from Microsoft Office
applications is notoriously convoluted, and I've done consultancy for
several projects that needed access to more XSLT experience than they could
find in-house in order to tackle the challenge. However, it's certainly

But we're way off-topic from XML Schema here.


Michael Kay 

Received on Tuesday, 16 June 2009 08:06:07 UTC