itemType case error in XML Schema for Schema 1.0

My apologies if this has comment has been posted previously, or is
otherwise OBE.  In the XML Schema for XML Schema
(, an administrative/clerical error
exists in six places.  The use of is incorrectly referenced
as "itemtype" in six places. (Incorrect lowercase "t").  Recommend these
be updated in next update to the proper "itemType".

Located at:
1) simpleType "derivationSet" : itemtype="reducedDerivationControl"
2) simpleType "fullDerivationSet" : itemtype="typeDerivationControl"
3) simpleType "IDREFS" : itemtype="IDREF"
4) simpleType "ENTITIES" : itemtype="ENTITY"
5) simpleType "NMTOKENS" : itemtype="NMTOKEN"
6) element "union" : itemtype="QName"

Received on Friday, 25 July 2008 16:52:11 UTC