Description of particles and terms in confusing

I'm reading through the latest XSD 1.1 draft and thought I'd send in 
comments as I find them...

In I find the description of particles, terms and their relationship 
confusing.  (I also wanted to remove the word "term" that appears in "term 
in the grammar" because the section talks about "term" later, and it seems 
best to avoid having the same word mean different things in a similar 

I'd therefore like to suggest the following re-wording:

"A particle is either an element declaration, a wildcard or a model group, 
plus occurrence constraints.  Particles describe element content and 
contribute to .validation. as part of complex type definition .validation., 
when they allow anywhere from zero to many element information items or 
sequences thereof, depending on their contents and occurrence constraints.

[Definition:]  A Term is a property of a particle that represents whether 
the particle is an element declaration, a wildcard or a model group 
component.  Thus a particle consists of a Term together with occurrence 
constraints.  All .Terms. are themselves .Annotated Components.. 
[Definition:]  A basic term is an Element Declaration or a Wildcard. 
[Definition:]  A basic particle is a Particle whose {term} is a .basic 

Is that still accurate?  If so I'll submit it to Bugzilla.


Pete Cordell
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Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2008 11:03:29 UTC