Re: [XML Schema Datatypes] datatype for strings with language tags

>> Has the XML schema working group ever considered defining such a
>> datatype (i.e. strings with language tags)?
> I don't believe so.
>> Or would the XML schema working group be interested in developing
>> such a datatype?
> I suspect not (but I don't speck for the WG).  The guideline the WG
> has used (not entirely consistently, consider e.g. the dateTime
> datatype) is that XSDL datatypes are for simplexs, and a string to be
> understood in a language is probably best understood as a pair.  XML
> provides element/attribute markup for representing pairs, and other
> things being equal that's what we would recommend.

Indeed, it would be possible to specify a complex type in XML schema
which defines exactly such pairs. However, I am not aware of had no way
to directly refer to such complex types from our logical language.
Indeed, this is the reason that XML schema complex types cannot be used
as data types in the Web Ontology Language (OWL).

Best, Jos

>> Alternatively, do you have a different suggestion for representing
>> literals with language tags?
> See above -- in my view it's not a property of a literal that it's in a
> language, rather utterances have properties including medium
> (spoken/written/...), transcription (a string), language(s). . .
> I realise this is probably a critique at a level which won't help you
> in your current predicament. . .
> ht


Jos de Bruijn,
In heaven all the interesting people are
  - Friedrich Nietzsche

Received on Wednesday, 10 October 2007 17:32:55 UTC