[Bug 5003] Applicability of <alternative> element to xml:lang


------- Comment #2 from cmsmcq@w3.org  2007-09-05 16:53 -------
Comment #1 seeks to argue that handling the value of xml:lang as
specified in the XML spec, and working with it as the infoset is
currently specified, are both outside the scope of XSDL.  This seems
to me an astonishing bit of special pleading.

It also ignores the fact that the XML Schema Working Group is on
record as accepting as in-scope the task of describing xml:lang and other
attributes which inherit their values.  We were unable to agree on
a mechanism for such inheritance, but I think the record will show
that there was no question in the Working Group about its being out
of scope for XSDL.

The alternative solution proposed in comment #1 is to make a special 
case of xml:lang.  I think XSDL already has too many special cases,
and requires too many ad hoc special-case processes from users of other
specs in the XML area; the proposal to add another to the list should
be rejected firmly and decisively. 

(I speak here only on my own behalf.)

Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2007 16:53:05 UTC