- From: Dave Peterson <davep@iit.edu>
- Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 21:58:59 -0400
- To: "Rao,Dr.,R.,SNL IT Filialen,4110,DA" <R.Rao@DeutschePost.de>, www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org
At 10:57 AM +0000 2007-06-05, Rao,Dr.,R.,SNL IT Filialen,4110,DA wrote: >The regEx below make restrictions on the UTC-Offset in the datetime data type. > >We found out that the expression 1 makes no >problem with the Microsoft parser (.net 2.0). > >A third party which receives data from us, uses >Java and have problems with 1. They would like >the expression 2. >1: <xs:pattern >value="\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d([+-](0[0-9]|1[0-2]):00|[+-](03|09):30|[+](13|14):00|[+](04|05|06|10|11):30|[-]08:30)"/> > >2: <xs:pattern >value="\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\d([+\-](0[0-9]|1[0-2]):00|[+\-](03|09):30|[+](13|14):00|[+](04|05|06|10|11):30|[\-]08:30)"/> Well, I believe there is no reason in that particular case to escape the '-'. On the other hand, the plus sign needs to be escaped! '+' is defined as a metacharacter, and once a metacharacter always a metacharacter. Here's the appropriate definitions from the spec: >[Definition:] A metacharacter is either ., \, >?, *, +, {, } (, ), |, [, or ]. These characters >have special meanings in regular expressions, >but can be escaped to form atoms that denote the >sets of strings containing only themselves, >i.e., an escaped ·metacharacter· behaves like a >normal character. > >[Definition:] A normal character is any XML >character that is not a metacharacter. In >regular expressions, a normal character is an >atom that denotes the singleton set of strings >containing only itself. The spec editors are aware of these RE problems and I hope they will be fixed before the next public draft. Meanwhile, I hope this helps. -- Dave Peterson SGMLWorks! davep@iit.edu
Received on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 01:59:16 UTC