Fw: [Bug 2219] identity constraints and xsi:nil


Thanks for the reply.

I'm also forwarding your note to the schema comments list so that I can 
reference it from the bug entry.

Sandy Gao
XML Parser Development, IBM Canada
(1-905) 413-3255

----- Forwarded by Sandy Gao/Toronto/IBM on 2007-04-27 11:27 AM -----

Radu Preotiuc-Pietro <radup@bea.com> 
2007-04-13 05:46 PM

Tim Hanson <thanson@bea.com>
Sandy Gao/Toronto/IBM@IBMCA
Re: FW: [Bug 2219] identity constraints and xsi:nil

Sandy Gao,

Thanks for getting back to us. The resolution seems fine and so the bug
can be closed, I don't have a W3C Bugzilla account.


On Wed, 2007-03-28 at 13:19 -0700, Tim Hanson wrote:
> I no longer work on this. I'm forwarding it to Radu, who is working on
> the product I used to work on.
> Tim
> ______________________________________________________________________
> From: Sandy Gao [mailto:sandygao@ca.ibm.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:30 PM
> To: Tim Hanson
> Cc: www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org
> Subject: [Bug 2219] identity constraints and xsi:nil
> Tim, 
> You raised this issue [1] back in 2003. Sorry for taking so long to
> respond to you. 
> The Schema working group has recently dealt with this issue in the
> context of XML Schema 1.1 [2]. 
> The specific changes will be available in the next revision of the XML
> Schema 1.1 structures working draft. 
> We would be very grateful if you would indicate whether the
> disposition is satisfactory to you, either by responding to the bug
> entry [2] (close or reopen it) or respond to this note (if you don't
> already have a W3C Bugzilla account). 
> [1]

> [2] http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=2219 
> Thanks,
> Sandy Gao
> XML Parser Development, IBM Canada
> (1-905) 413-3255
> sandygao@ca.ibm.com

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