[Bug 2235] R-243: Can an attribute prohibited by restriction be added back through a subsequent extension?


------- Comment #1 from cmsmcq@w3.org  2006-09-29 02:03 -------
It's hard to reconstruct all of the arguments that led to the requirement
that in principle it should be possible to derive any type in three steps
from xsd:anySimpleType:  the first non-primitive ancestor, then one extension
step, then one restriction step.  So I'm diffident about this analysis.

But it seems to me that flavor 3 (reintroduction of unchanged originals
is OK) is not only what the status quo says, but what is most useful to

Given a chain of derivations from some type T, in which restrictions and
extensions both occur, it's useful to know that if any attribute A is
optional in type T, with a binding to a specific simple type S, then in
any type T' derived from T in any number of steps, that A may be present
or may be absent, and if present it will always have type S, or a 
restriction of S.  That's guaranteed by 3, and by the formulation of the
actual rule.  It's not guaranteed by 1, which I dislike for that reason.

The constraint (2) actually formulated in the Note (once gone, nothing comes
back -- reminds me of J. K. Rowling's rules about magic and death) amounts
to saying yes, not only will A always have S or a restriction of S if
it's around, but the portions of the type hierarchy where A is allowed
will form a tree, not a forest.  I hate to say of any fact that it's
uninteresting (it seems to suggest a failure of imagination), but this
doesn't seem particularly relevant to any story about types and 
the substitutability of values.  When considering type coercions and
the acceptability of a value, we typically consider two types: the
one expected and the one encountered.  The details of the chain
connecting them (in a name-based system) isn't relevant, only which
invariants are guaranteed to hold between these two types.

I think the correct fix is to revise the Note to say "nothing removed
by a restriction is subsequently added back by an extension with a
conflicting type assignment" or "... in an incompatible way".

Is that plausible?

Received on Friday, 29 September 2006 02:03:48 UTC