[Bug 3589] Definitions of "schema document" draft proposal for bugs 2822 and 2846 PSVI and processor profiles


------- Comment #3 from cmsmcq@w3.org  2006-09-06 02:11 -------
Note that the wording cited in comment #2 makes a hash of the claim
that the XML Schema spec does not define an XML transfer syntax, which
was the initial premise of the issue.  If the XML representation is 
normative, then clearly the spec defines an XML transfer syntax, not 
solely an infoset which may be transferred in any way found convenient.  
Since interoperability is not served by infosets (which are abstractions
independent of any testable representation like APIs or data formats), the 
sentence quoted cannot reasonably be taken to be describing the *infoset*.
The sentence clearly says that the XML representation is normative.

As for Noah's attachment to the idea that the infoset is the key
thing, not the XML form, it's a touching thought, but hardly relevant
to this issue, since nothing said so far has entailed any suggestion
to the contrary.  

As for replacing the phrase "XML representation" with the phrase
"XML Infoset conveying the Representation", I do not think it's an
editorial improvement and don't believe it would make our spec easier
to read, understand, or reason about.

Received on Wednesday, 6 September 2006 02:11:34 UTC