Small bug in NISTXMLSchema1-0-20020116.testSet from xsts-2002-01-16.tar.gz

Hi, I hope I have the right list for reporting a bug in the Schema 1.0
test suite. Apologies in advance if I don't.

There's a small bug in this .testSet file:

The first <schemaTest> element in the
xmlschema2002-01-16/NISTXMLSchema1-0-20020116.testSet file in
xsts-2002-01-16.tar.gz [1] is:

<schemaTest name="NISTSchema-anyURI-maxLength-1">
  <expected validity="valid"/>
  <current status="accepted" date="2002-01-12"/>

The xlink:href value should be

Please would someone be able to fix and post a revised xsts-2002-01-16.tar.gz.


Many thanks,

Received on Monday, 3 July 2006 15:58:06 UTC