substitutionGroup for attributes

I would like to propose a requirement for XML Schema 1.1, which is to 
allow substitutionGroup for attributes.  As an example, I want to be able 
to do the following

<!-- schema1 extract -->

<complexType name="operation">
    <any namespace="##other" />
  <attribute ref="schema1:opcode" use="required" />

<attribute name="opcode" type="schema1:opcodeType" />

<simpleType name="opcodeType>
  <restriction base="token">
    <enumeration value="request">
    <enumeration value="approve">
    <enumeration value="reject">
    <enumeration value="withdraw">

<!-- schema2 extract -->

<simpleType name="extendedOpcodeType">
  <union memberTypes="schema1:opcodeType">
      <restriction base="token">
        <enumeration value="dispute">

<attribute name="extendedOpcode" type="schema2:extendedOpcodeType" 
substitutionGroup="schema1:opcode" />

<!-- example document -->

<operation extendedOpcode="dispute">
  <blah />

Or is there a current way that I should be doing the same thing which I 
can't work out?


Jay Daley
Nominet UK

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 00:25:17 UTC