Re: It seems to be a problem with the XML Schema for Schemas which is normative...


I think the type definition 

  <xs:complexType base="xs:anyType" name="empty" />

should be rejected - the "base" attribute is not modelled explicitly in 
any of the following type definitions describing local / global complex
type definitions: localComplexType / topLevelComplexType.

Hence, the base might onla match agains the attribute wildcard:
	<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
However, the namespace="##other" does not allow for an attribute
with namespace *absent* - see section 3.10.4 Wildcard validation rules

2 All of the following must be true:
  2.1 The constraint is a pair of not and a namespace name or *absent*
([Definition:]  call this the namespace test).
  2.2 The value must not be identical to the *namespace test*.
  2.3 The value must not be *absent*.		<====

Best regards

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 21:30:36 UTC