RE: Representation of floating point values.

At 2:35 PM -0800 050308, Daniel Engovatov wrote:
>  >Doesn't sound useful enough to force the backward
>>incompatability with 1.0.
>Changing the mapping from largest/smallest value to Infinity is a
>similar change, is not it?

Probably, unless we can justify (for either) that 1.0 is sufficiently
unclear as to allow either interpretation.

>Oh, well.  I guess those who care about large numbers will just find a
>way to bypass this schema limitation.

Yes.  The decimal datatype allows large numbers, and the proposed
pDecimal will allow both large numbers and scientific notation.
The problem for float and double is only how to interpret lexical
representations of numbers outside the range of the max and min
numerical values.
Dave Peterson

Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 22:45:39 UTC