wd-12: Content Model for Attributes, was { [Requirement 1.1] Attribute Content Model}

Dear Paul Duffin:

On behalf of the XML Schema WG, thank you for your comment received on 4 October, 2004.  The WG classified this comment as "wd-12: Content Model for Attributes."

After discussion, the WG realized that this issue is subsumed in our requirement:

>RQ-38 coconstraints: Add co-constraints
>Add the ability to define and enforce co-constraints on attribute values, or on
>attribute values and sub-elements.

This requirement is classified as "desideratum," so it is under active consideration by the WG.  We have at least one technical proposal on the table.

Right now, we feel that this classification and promise to review is the best we can do at this point in our work cycle.  We propose to close your issue since it is now tracked under RQ-38.  We further invite you to review future public working drafts of XML Schema 1.1, and comment as you see fit.

Please let us know if this satisfies your request.

Best regards,
David Ezell

Received on Thursday, 16 December 2004 17:23:50 UTC