ERRATA XML Schema 1.0, Bounded - Constraining Facet

To whom it concerns:

this is not a comment on the latest efforts concerning XML Schema 1.1, but 
rather an errata for the previous TR of XML Schema 1.0, so the mistake may 
not be included in the next recommendation of XML Schema 1.1:

In the latest TR of XML Schema 1.0, the bounded constraining facet 
definition contains a small error, perhaps it has been unnoticed up until 
now, so I will post it here

The latest TR reads

4.2.3 bounded

[Definition:]  A datatype is bounded if its *value space* has either an 
*inclusive upper bound* or an *exclusive upper bound* and either an 
*inclusive lower bound* and an *exclusive lower bound*.

I think this should be an 'or' instead, since the TR states that there 
exists both an inclusive as well as an exclusive lower bound and 
furthermore it allows either an upper inclusive or exclusive upper bound. 
This should be symetrical.

Something about the examples given in the TR of XML Schema 1.0 and 
something to be considered when designing the next version of XML Schema 
and the language specification of version 1.1

Examples of XML Schema Components are a bit inconsistent, for example, 
sometimes you mention the attribute 'fixed' for any of the Constraining 
Facets Schema Components, sometimes you don't. I'd prefer that you, for 
example, include every available attribute in any of the examples. For 
convenience, since it makes the usage and the definition of each of the 
elements very clear at a single glance.

Thanks and bye



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Received on Monday, 17 March 2003 21:44:28 UTC