Re: Value space of double


> It seems to me that "e" should be an integer between -1074 and 971,
> inclusive.

Sounds right to me, but it would help if you could explain your reasoning or

Using the google-provided reference,, 

    #  If 0<E<2047 then V=(-1)**S * 2 ** (E-1023) * (1.F) where "1.F"
    is intended to represent the binary number created by prefixing F
    with an implicit leading 1 and a binary point.

I think the maximum value is E=2046, F=(52 ones), which is

    2 ** (1023) * (1.(52ones))
    2 ** (1023) * (53ones) * 2 ** (-52)
    2 ** (971) * (53ones)
    2 ** (971) * (2 ** 53 - 1)

And FWIW, Java says

Double.MAX_VALUE == (Math.pow(2, 53) - 1) * Math.pow(2, 971)
Double.MIN_VALUE == 1* Math.pow(2, -1074)


Xan Gregg
TIBCO Software, Inc. 

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2003 17:31:58 UTC